Python Code Runner For Android

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Build, Run & Share Python code online using online-python's IDE for free. It's one of the quick, robust, powerful online compilers for python language. Don't worry about setting up python environment in your local. Now Run the python code in your favorite browser instantly. Getting started with this Python. Many android applications are available to run the python scripts on android devices. In modern computing you can’t do computing only on an 80×25 console window but you can also do that on phones, tablets, and desktop machines with rich user interfaces. QPython is a script engine that runs Python scripts and projects on android devices. It contains the Python interpreter, console, editor, and the SL4A Library for Android. It offers a great development kit which lets you easily develop Python projects and scripts on your phone. If you know about some other good apps that allows to do.

  • Create a package for Android
    • Packaging your application for the Kivy Launcher

You can create a package for android using the python-for-android project. This page explains howto download and use it directly on your own machine (seePackaging with python-for-android) oruse the Buildozer tool to automate the entire process. You can also seePackaging your application for the Kivy Launcher to run kivyprograms without compiling them.

For new users, we recommend using Buildozer as the easiest wayto make a full APK. You can also run your Kivy app without acompilation step with the Kivy Launcher app.

Kivy applications can be released on an Android market such as the Play store, with a few extrasteps to create a fully signed APK.

The Kivy project includes tools for accessing Android APIs toaccomplish vibration, sensor access, texting etc. These, along withinformation on debugging on the device, are documented at themain Android page.


Buildozer is a tool that automates the entire build process. Itdownloads and sets up all the prequisites for python-for-android,including the android SDK and NDK, then builds an apk that can beautomatically pushed to the device.

Buildozer currently works only in Linux, and is a betarelease, but it already works well and can significantly simplify theapk build.

You can get buildozer at

This will install buildozer in your system. Afterwards, navigate toyour project directory and run:

Python code runner for android version

This creates a buildozer.spec file controlling your buildconfiguration. You should edit it appropriately with your app nameetc. You can set variables to control most or all of the parameterspassed to python-for-android.

Install buildozer’s dependencies.

Finally, plug in your android device and run:

to build, push and automatically run the apk on your device.

Buildozer has many available options and tools to help you, the stepsabove are just the simplest way to build and run yourAPK. The full documentation is available here. You can also checkthe Buildozer README at

Packaging with python-for-android¶

You can also package directly with python-for-android, which can giveyou more control but requires you to manually download parts of theAndroid toolchain.

Python Code Runner For Android Download

See the python-for-android documentationfor full details.

Packaging your application for the Kivy Launcher¶

The Kivy launcheris an Android application that runs any Kivy examples stored on yourSD Card.To install the Kivy launcher, you must:

  1. Go to the Kivy Launcher pageon the Google Play Store

  2. Click on Install

  3. Select your phone… And you’re done!

If you don’t have access to the Google Play Store on your phone/tablet,you can download and install the APK manually from

Once the Kivy launcher is installed, you can put your Kivyapplications in the Kivy directory in your external storage directory(often available at /sdcard even in devices where this memoryis internal), e.g.

Python Code Runner For Android Free

<yourapplication> should be a directory containing:

The file android.txt must contain:

Python Code Runner Download

These options are just a very basic configuration. If you create yourown APK using the tools above, you can choose many other settings.

Installation of Examples¶

Kivy comes with many examples, and these can be a great place to starttrying the Kivy launcher. You can run them as below:


  1. Run the launcher and select one of the Pictures, Showcase, Touchtracer, Cymunk or other demos…

Release on the market¶

If you have built your own APK with Buildozer or withpython-for-android, you can create a release version that may bereleased on the Play store or other Android markets.

To do this, you must run Buildozer with the release parameter(e.g. buildozerandroidrelease), or if usingpython-for-android use the --release option to Thiscreates a release APK in the bin directory, which you mustproperly sign and zipalign.The procedure for doing this is described in the Android documentationat -all the necessary tools come with the Android SDK.

Targeting Android¶

Python Code Runner For Android Studio

Kivy is designed to operate identically across platforms and as a result, makessome clear design decisions. It includes its own set of widgets and by default,builds an APK with all the required core dependencies and libraries.

Python Runner

It is possible to target specific Android features, both directly andin a (somewhat) cross-platform way. See the Using Android APIs sectionof the Kivy on Android documentation for more details.